A love letter to me, a non-resident alien
Your hands are a lovely color of caramel,
remember, you need less sunscreen
You have a “funny” accent, they say
but your english is lilting, musical and poetic
like your own language
Often, it is not enough to express all that you are
Don’t let that stand in your way! Switch to an “Aiyo!” if need be
Why tame or taint your wild, black hair?
Where else can hair like that be seen, but on your head?
It’s a masterpiece — let it be
Don’t hide your colorful clothes with their “strange” fits and flares
Where else can you find blue peacocks dancing on light as fluff cotton?
Someone sees the peacocks underneath the monochrome blues and beiges
It’s okay — let them see
I just noticed — your hands are a lovely shade of caramel
Stop fidgeting. Let them be! ❤